Preguntas Frecuentes

Nosotros tenemos las respuestas

Sobre mi clínica

Mi consultorio se fundó sobre la base de un mejor modelo de atención, diseñado en torno a las necesidades de los pacientes que proporciona un mayor nivel de calidad y servicio a un precio asequible. Hacemos esto a través de un excelente servicio al cliente y adaptamos a la necesidades de mis pacientes y también les atiendo por videollamadas.


Todo nuestro esfuerzo se basa en la creación de asociaciones basadas en la confianza con mis pacientes y es por esa razón que acuden a mi como su médico de cabecera de la atención médica a largo plazo, desde chequeos rutinarios a controles anuales que lo ayudarán a manejar los problemas de salud de sus hijos. También me gusta capacitarlos con el conocimiento y la orientación necesaria para realizar cambios positivos en la rutina diaria del entorno en que los niños se manejan de manera que puedan evitar exponerse a enfermedades o manejo adecuado de sus enfermedades. Usamos las pruebas de diagnóstico y la tecnología para hacer análisis exhaustivos y minuciosos y nos esforzamos por garantizar la mejor atención especializada.


Además, nos enfocamos en el cuido de manera integral, teniendo en cuenta todos los aspectos de su salud y estilo de vida de sus hijos o familiares. Para ayudarlo a restaurar y mantener una salud óptima, hemos puesto a su disposición algunos servicios especializados. A medida que crecemos, continuaremos agregando más servicios para que nuestra atención sea lo más completa y efectiva posible.


Ya sea en una visita de consultorio privado o una atención mediante el seguro social para sus necesidades de atención médica, para mi no hay distinciones daré siempre lo mejor de mi y entregaré toda mi experiencia médica brindándole la tranquilidad que proviene de tener un médico confiable a su lado. Si alguna vez necesita una consulta especializada u hospitalización, lo ayudaré a tomar la mejor decisión posible y aseguraremos una derivación bien coordinada, trabajo con un equipo médico competente y hospitales de alto prestigio que cuentan todos los equipos médicos y especialistas de larga trayectoria en la rama de la medicina.

Si su hijo tiene una enfermedad recurrente o persistente debida a un agente infeccioso, tal como una bacteria, un hongo, un parásito o cualquier otra infección rara, un infectólogo pediátrico tiene la experiencia y la preparación para ayudarle a su pediatra a diagnosticar y tratar a su hijo. Los infectólogos pediátricos tratan a los niños desde el nacimiento hasta la adolescencia

– Escuela de Medicina (8 años)
– Especialidad en Pediatría (3 años)
– Subespecialidad en Infectología (2 o 3 años)
Los infectólogos pediátricos tratan una amplia gama de infecciones y trastornos inmunológicos tales como aquellos causados por bacterias, virus, hongos y parásitos. También se consultan a los infectólogos pediátricos en caso de enfermedades complicadas o atípicas.
Además son expertos en vacunas.

Trabajo con casi todos los hospitales del área, lo que le permite ir al hospital de su elección y podré ayudarlo a coordinar la atención según sea necesario. Si necesita ver a un especialista para un seguimiento en un hospital, puede proporcionar la derivación y ayudar a coordinar la logística. Si termina en un hospital por otro motivo, podré ayudarle en coordinación con los hospitales a ponerme como su médico de cabecera y seguir todos sus registros médicos, para revisar su estadía y los resultados de las pruebas y ayudar con cualquier seguimiento necesario.

Puedo abordar una amplia gama de inquietudes urgentes y graves solo debe contactarse mediante mis números de atención. Debido a que ofrecemos disponibilidad de citas el mismo día y acceso las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana en coordinación con el equipo clínico de los hospitales con los que trabajo, estaré disponible para necesidades urgentes, si tengo agenda llena daré seguimiento a su caso en el tiempo correspondiente. Si tiene una inquietud fuera del horario de atención o no está seguro de si debe ir directamente a un centro de atención de urgencia o a la sala de emergencias más cercana, llame a los números de contacto para comunicarse conmigo.

☑️Pediatria General
☑️Infectología Pediátrica
☑️Control de niño sano

Consultas al Pediatra

👉La infección del oído generalmente se debe a una bacteria y frecuentemente comienza después de que el niño tiene una infección de garganta, resfriado u otra infección de las vías respiratorias altas.
👉Si la infección de las vías respiratorias altas se debe a una bacteria, ésta puede extenderse al oído medio.
Acude con un especialista en enfermedades infecciosas.
Además son expertos en vacunas.

La rinitis alérgica es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica de la mucosa nasal cuyos síntomas principales son producidos como respuesta alérgica a sustancias en interiores o al aire libre, como el polen, los ácaros del polvo o pelusa y saliva que arrojan los gatos, perros y otros animales con pelo o plumas.

La ingesta o introducción de cuerpos extraños es algo usual en la edad pediátrica.
Por su importancia y frecuencia se
considera un problema de salud pública.
El niño impulsado por su curiosidad
Y afán de reconocer objetos se los lleva a la boca.
El 80% de las ingestiones ocurren en la infancia.Ocurre en edad media menor de 5 años.
Además el 80% es eliminado por las heces
Sin embargo el 60% de los padres no observan su eliminación, un porcentaje considerable (20%) queda alojado en esófago debido a su estrechez Fisiológica y poco adaptable .
Los objetos frecuentemente ingeridos
Son monedas, agujas alfileres, botones, canicas, anillos y otros de calidad orgánicos.
Otro porcentaje puede presentar complicaciones.
Consulte con su Pediatra para atención oportuna.

Primary Care

The term primary care refers to the kind of medical care you need first — before you get sick, before you need to see a specialist, before you need to go to a hospital. With an emphasis on family practice and internal medicine, as your primary care providers we  will address your essential health needs by:

Focusing on prevention and screening

Working closely with you to plan for your health

Acting as a hub for medical information with a comprehensive, accurate and secure repository for your records

Coordinating your tests, treatments, specialist visits and hospitalizations

Providing plain-spoken guidance, insight and advice

Offering cost-effective solutions to better manage medical expenses

From preventive medicine to holistic integrative care to home remedies, we leverage the latest medical research, our collective experience and feedback from you to keep you healthy—whether you’re already in good health, suffering from a minor cold or experiencing a life-changing illness.

Above all, primary care providers offer continuity. In your quest to become and remain as healthy as possible, we are your partners for the long term.

We believe primary care should be the first stop in your healthcare journey; it’s where you turn for guidance and support before you get sick, before you see a specialist, and before you need to seek hospital care. Our providers combine excellent customer service with an efficient use of technology to deliver high-quality, affordable service that’s designed to fit your unique needs.

As your  primary care providers (PCPs), we take your well-being seriously. With an emphasis on family practice and internal medicine, we address all your essential health needs by:

Making prevention and wellness a priority
Collaborating with you to customize the best plan that suits your individual needs and goals
Providing a comprehensive, accurate, and secure repository for all your medical information
Seamlessly coordinating your care, including tests, treatments, specialist visits, and hospitalizations
Providing easy-to-understand, accessible advice, guidance, and insight
Offering cost-effective options that empower you to prioritize your health
We leverage the latest medical research and cutting-edge technology to offer the most comprehensive primary care available. We draw upon our team’s extensive collective experience and your personal feedback to create a truly one-of-a-kind primary care experience. From preventive medicine to integrative care, we have the tools to keep you feeling your best — whether you’re already in good health, suffering from a minor cold, or facing a life-changing illness. Our primary care providers are your partners in cultivating and maintaining long-term health.

Although we don’t require our members to pick a PCP, we strongly recommend finding a practitioner you feel comfortable with and who can collaborate with you on important decisions in order to coordinate and optimize your long-term care.

Besides being your partner in good health, your One Medical PCP is your first point of contact for all health care needs, acting as your advocate, ally, and advisor. We’ll help you make the most informed decisions possible, and we’ll ensure a well-coordinated and thoroughly researched referral should you ever require a specialty consultation or hospitalization.

Finally, if the PCP you select doesn’t feel like the right fit, you can always switch to another practitioner — no questions asked.


The majority of One Medical’s general practitioners, including our doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, have a focus in either family medicine or internal medicine.

Family medicine providers, otherwise known as family practitioners, are considered to have the widest set of primary care skills, treating patients at every stage of life. They are trained to treat patients from birth through adulthood, and into the elderly years. At One Medical, our family practitioners see patients in adolescence and above; generally age 14 and older.

Internal medicine doctors, otherwise known as internists, focus primarily on adult and elderly patients, and are most comfortable seeing patients age 18 and older. Their training emphasizes the management of chronic, complex, or severe illnesses, particularly for patients who require hospitalization. Although they are proficient in primary care, their specialty training typically does not include obstetrics, gynecology, or pediatrics.

Membership, Insurance & Billing

The Annual Membership Fee allows us to offer you the innovative digital health tools and value-added services that make us unique. The Annual Membership Fee is paid to 1Life Healthcare, Inc., the healthcare technology and management company affiliated with us, that develops the digital health tools and enhanced services we offer to members.

The Annual Membership Fee covers costs associated with access to the 1Life Healthcare proprietary technology platform, which includes such benefits as online appointment booking and online prescription renewal requests. Members who pay the Annual Membership Fee also have access to time-saving services through the  Mobile App including online appointment booking, online prescription renewal requests, on-demand video visit technology, and digital access to virtual medical services on the go.

The Annual Membership Fee also covers costs associated with high-touch and value-added non-medical services including lifestyle and wellness offerings and value-added personal assistance services. The Annual Membership Fee is not a covered benefit under most health insurance plans.

Payment of the Annual Membership Fee is not a prerequisite for receiving medical care in our offices. 

While many of our members are happy to support our practice with the annual membership fee, supporting the practice is not a requirement of joining us. Most of our patients do pay the membership fee. However, we are dedicated to serving our community, regardless of financial means. If you don’t have the financial means to pay the Annual Membership Fee and would like to become a member, please call any of our offices to learn about your options

The quality of your care is our highest priority, and we’re dedicated to giving you the best experience possible. If we ever fail to meet your expectations, we’ll do our best to fix it.

We accept health plans from most insurance carriers as well as Medicare. Some of the more popular plans that we accept are listed on our Insurance page, but since the list periodically changes, we encourage you to call us if you don’t see your plan.

We believe that quality health care should be accessible to everyone, so if you have a high-deductible health plan or are not insured, we also offer affordable options for working together.

Lab Tests

We offer our members on-site laboratory services on a walk-in basis, with no need for an appointment. Our staff will put you at ease, draw your blood and collect other specimens in an anxiety-free environment, and get you on your way quickly. After we receive and review your results, we will promptly email you with our interpretation and a copy of the report.

Your health care provider will order the specific tests you need based on your age, your medications, your overall health status and the amount of time since your last set of blood tests. Young, healthy individuals may only need blood tests every five years, while patients with active medical issues may need tests annually or even more frequently. If you are interested in having specific tests performed, you can discuss them with your provider in the office or via email before coming in to have your blood drawn.

Insurance plans vary, and your coverage depends on your specific policy. While most tests are covered by insurance, you may want to contact your insurance carrier to ensure coverage before having your test done.

No appointment is necessary; however, tests must be ordered by your provider. You can simply walk in to the office during lab hours to have our trained on-site staff to draw blood and collect samples for diagnostic tests. If you have questions about what tests are covered by your insurance plan, we recommend you check with your insurance company.

Privacy & Security

We take the security and confidentiality of your personal information seriously. We follow industry best practices in software development and testing, including periodic vetting by internal and external security researchers. Your data is encrypted in transit and at rest, and our infrastructure runs on an industry-leading highly secure, HIPAA-compliant data center.

If you are a security researcher and you believe you have identified a security issue, please contact ус. We are committed to working with the community to verify, reproduce and respond to all legitimate reports.